Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hello all!

Today is my birthday. I am enjoying a rare day with no work and no homework to do (I start class again Tuesday). I'm savoring today especially because I return to work tomorrow. Also, my nose surgery is this week and I must do pre-surgical visits with a couple of my doctors in preparation for the big day.

The fun news is the vacation our family took the first half of March. We went to Ohio and Pennsylvania to visit both sides of the family. I got a kick out of telling the guys at work I was going to Columbus, Ohio for vacation. Wouldn't you know? It rained the day we got there and it rained the day we left. In between there was snow.

Now, it wouldn't be fair to describe the weather as all bad. My parents hosted a gathering for family and friends. The weather was pristine for that. One of the attached photos is a snapshot of the fiesta, with dad in the background and our friends L (left) and J enjoying themselves.

You'll see a photo with me on a tractor holding S. This is dad's Kubota he uses to mow his many acres, drag felled trees and plow snow. Years ago when dad secured a loan so I might finance my coffee shop, this very tractor was collateral (thanks, mom and dad). S and I dragged a few bundles of saplings out of the woods with the trusty machine, and J got a really good photo.

The remaining photo shows S hard at work in front of the bonfire. Mom and dad live out in the country, so a bonfire is the perfect way to dispose of brush or wood not suitable for fireplaces. S had a ball helping his dad and papa (paternal grandfather) pile brush and logs into a tepee. A little diesel fuel from dad's yellow container was all it took! The bonfire was a beauty to behold.

We also spent time in Pittsburgh with J's side of the family. I have assured J subsequent posts will contain Pittsburgh photos, but for now they aren't handy to share with everyone. (Soon!) While in Pittsburgh, we visited J's maternal grandmother, M. She hosted our little family for a couple of nights while we visited cousins, aunts and uncles. The highlight of our trip to Pennsylvania was dinner with everyone at the Olive Garden. There were plenty of hugs and photos as we haven't seen some of these family members for a couple of years.

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