Monday, August 06, 2007



Hello all!

Yes, it has been some time since I have updated our blog. I'm sorry. After we got back from Cowlumbus my main focus was on finishing up my Masters degree. Oh, yes. I forgot - I FINISHED MY MASTERS DEGREE! I now have an MBA from the University of Phoenix. The picture here is myself at work the day before my ceremony (I wanted to show off and toot my own horn). I am holding a picture taken of me in the hospital after my surgery. Wouldn't you know? My surgery was on 7-7-06 and my graduation ceremony was exactly one year later to-the-day on 7-7-07. J, S and my in-laws all came to watch the ceremony which took place in the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The stadium is where the Arizona Cardinals play and will be the location of the next Superbowl! My expectations were blown away, as our ceremony was coordinated to a tee. They even had a "commonly mispronounced name" session so names like mine don't get butchered (we spelled our names phonetically). There was a bagpipe marching band to usher in and close out the ceremony, which was really cool.

More than anything I attended the ceremony so S could take it all in. I wanted him to see his dad participate in something special. At the tender age of five, the pomp and circumstance, regalia and presents surely made a lasting impression on him. I explained to him 'graduation' is not just an ending: it is a new beginning.

J started selling Lia Sophia jewelry on the side. She has has early success and I have given her kudos on more than one occasion, but she downplays everything. I guess she doesn't want to jinx anything.

S is sweet as ever, with his blond, bushy head. He sure is getting tall. He'll be in kindergarten this fall!

J and I know our new beginning means a move to a home of our own. The challenges, however, are many. I'm rather frustrated because there is no clear direction to work toward. Do we stay in AZ? Move to the east coast? [please, God. NOT Ohio]. I relish the thought of moving onward and upward with my new credential. Should this mean staying with my current company or taking another path makes no difference to me, so long as I advance. I'd even be willing to relocate overseas (for a while) to experience a lifestyle many Americans do not. J and I are worlds apart on this. Her nomadic childhood helped her parents advance in business, but has formed a negative opinion, to her, about moving. She wants to settle somewhere, I want to follow the money, no matter where that may be. We'll figure it out.

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