Saturday, July 15, 2006

Friday, July 14, 11:00 pm

Moving Day for R! He had a very good day at Mayo…all the final reports from all surgical teams were a “Go.” This is day 7, and we saw a huge upswing. Today he was much stronger, more conversational, and more ready than ever to move on. Sp got to visit again and that perked everybody up. They played with a jeep and some other prizes Daddy “found in his bed” today, played the Finger Man game, and had butter rum life savers. Those giggles are excellent medicine.

Dennis stopped in from Rs work, and even helped with the move. (Thanks!) Ch was in and Jn came by…and R got another milkshake out of that deal.

The new address is: Healthsouth Rehab Hospital
9630 E. Shea
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 551-5300 Hospital
(480) 551-5303 R’s room 115

The doctor and therapist will evaluate and get R started tomorrow. He is really anxious for this, knowing the quicker he regains strength and balance, the sooner he will get to leave. He is craving home and work and all that stuff of normal life.

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