Wednesday, July 05, 2006


July 5, 2006

My folks arrived from Ohio today! I am so glad to see them, even though the occasion is less than festive. They were in town only two months ago for a family vacation to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, only to return today for my surgery. They will stay here for a couple of days, but my in-laws have arranged for them to stay in a timeshare for the duration of their visit (which is right down the street from the hospital).

I spoke with my boss today, likely for the last time before surgery. I wanted to finish up any loose ends from work if I was able. Thanks, D, for helping at work. My associate, R, has arranged a fund raiser at work to help out with things. Thanks R and everyone for being so thoughtful to my family and myself.

J has ordered some eye patches in anticipation of my needing them. Our friend, N, from Ohio is a very skilled seamstress, and will borrow the design to make some custom patches for me. Thanks, N! Hug T and J for us.

Friday is the big day. I am not exactly sure when I go under the knife, but I am not allowed to have anything after midnight on Thursday.

Another round of thanks is in order to all the friends and relatives throughout the country who have sent their love and prayers. It is getting close…

Wish we could be there with you, Ryno. We'll be sitting here with Jessie (skunk smell and all! :) ) waiting to hear the results.

Love you!
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