Saturday, July 08, 2006

July 8, 12:45pm AZ time

Dad doing the update. R is fully awake talking freely. He is in lots of pain, not where one would think, not the head, eye or neck area... not even the upper thigh where they took veins, muscle and tissue, but the lower leg and foot of that leg... the nurse thinks the doctors twisted and pushed the leg to access just the right muscle/vein, that it just simply hurts like heck. The PT gal had him sitting up...and even standing for a few minutes. of course that adds to his pain, but for his own good....

J just said Rs heart rate has been up and down. the nurse is asking the docotor to check into that. The number one concern atm is to monitor the "skin flap" covering the eye, making sure blood is flowing to keep the tissue alive and healthy. The doctor i talked to said this might fail one or two times before it far blood is flowing fine.

mom and J are in icu with R... ill take my turn soon.

keep looking for updates on blog..... dad

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