Monday, August 21, 2006

Friends, Romans and countrymen -

Great, Great news! The scan which concerned one of my doctors to the point he suggested cancer might have returned was looked at a second time. My surgeon (Dr K) and one of his associates specializing in such scans determined I DO NOT have recurrent cancer. The reason the first physician thought I might have recurrent cancer was because the extent of my surgery is severe, therefore presenting more than usual swelling and scarring. The surgeon who actually worked on me, and therefore has exact knowledge of the area in question, along with the specialist knew better. A visit to Dr K today confirmed this wonderful news!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Dumb but lucky!

Hi R
Just read the wonderful news and I am so happy. I had some "special overtime" prayers going on for you yesterday and they were answered. Life may have come at you fast, but you are one tough cookie R! Keep the good news coming and stay POSITIVE !
Love ya
R&J.....So glad to hear the GREAT have been in our prayers and thoughts daily... glad that I can finally comment on the blogger, for some reason I could never respond. I just said that to Ray the other day that I could not respond....(not sure why)
R...stay look great...keep us posted on your recovery....Keep that positive outlook....Love, Ray and Nancy
God Bless you R! I hope and pray that you continue to receive wonderful news on your progression! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

Shannon S. (on Joe W.'s team, your team used to be next to us!)
R and J, I am so very, very happy for you. What wonderful news! You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I'm so glad I can finally send you a message.

J in MT
I am so glad that you have such good news. Looks like the golf outing was lots of fun!!!
I am so glad for your news! That is so wonderful, you rock on, you and your family!
Hi R, J & S,
I am now getting a little caught up with my e-mail and correspondence. Glad to hear you are doing so well. The pics are amazing how great R looks so soon after surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are still going your way. Thanks for keeping us updated on your wonderful progress.
aunt kaz
Hi R,
Just wanted to let you know I been reading you blogs and I'm glad to hear everything is looking good!
pb - 007
Hey Ryan it's bill from work just cheking up on ya and letting you know that I am thinking about you and hope to see you come back soon.
Today was my first day back in the classroom. The theme of the Grade 6 class is "Heroism." I told them all about you. You and J are my heroes. A hero is an ordinary person who shows extraordinary character in challenging/ impossible situations.

You are a hero.

J in MT
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