Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hello all!

Here are some photos of the golf outing R helped to put together (she is pictured with me in one of the the above photos, wearing the orange blouse). R sold mulligans to all of the golfers for $5 each. The money she raised was donated to my family! Wasn't that thoughtful? R is not done. She is organizing a raffle at work with a new set of clubs as the grand prize!

Also, you can mark this up as a random act of human kindness: one of the female golfers, EG, won a cash prize because she did so well. EG stopped by our table and dropped her cash prize down, stating "I want to donate this to your family". Amazing! Thanks, EG, for such a selfless gesture.

"Thank you's" go out to every single person who bought a mulligan, donated cash or put forth effort in organizing such a wonderful gesture of kindness. Bless you all.

copied From an email:
Hey there "Team B".
R, I just read your blog about the golf tournament and checked out the pictures. You look WONDERFUL and are a reminder to all of us, that we just have to play the cards we are dealt and move on the best we can. You and your whole family are an inspiration to all of us and my hero ! The golf outing sounded great and that is what love and friendship are all about - helping each other through the hard times. You will have to get some of those multi colored eye patches that NL can make you, to match every outfit you wear. S will be wanting to wear your patches I'm sure. Love, M & D
copied From an email:
Hey there "Team B".
R, I just read your blog about the golf tournament and checked out the pictures. You look WONDERFUL and are a reminder to all of us, that we just have to play the cards we are dealt and move on the best we can. You and your whole family are an inspiration to all of us and my hero ! The golf outing sounded great and that is what love and friendship are all about - helping each other through the hard times. You will have to get some of those multi colored eye patches that NL can make you, to match every outfit you wear. S will be wanting to wear your patches I'm sure. Love, M & D
Hey buddy you looked great on Saturday and I am glad that I got an oppurtunity to see you. I can't beleive how big of a success it was for you and your family. Well keep in touch and shave your eye :)
Hey buddy you looked great on Saturday and I am glad that I got an oppurtunity to see you. I can't beleive how big of a success it was for you and your family. Well keep in touch and shave your eye :)
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