Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hello all-

Thanks for all the comments and support! I just wanted to quickly update everything and let you know about chemo therapy (the images of the mask are radiation only). Chemo is, of course, chemical therapy. On Thursdays, I go in to my chemo doctor's office and get my chemo treatment. What is it like? Well, I sit in a chair in a room with many other people doing the same thing. I receive a series of IV drips that are the chemicals used to treat my cancer. The whole treatment takes roughly 2.5 hours, so bring a book!

Treatment on the first day or so is not so bad. One of the drip bags they give is an anti-nausea medicine. I guess it works pretty well because I didn't feel really sick until Sunday, when it hit like a freight train. I don't think I ate one scrap all day.

To understand how bad the chemicals taste, you'd have to drink lighter fluid. This taste permeates your mouth and tongue all the way down to your stomach. In addition to the severe nausea, imagine the taste of your favorite foods mixed with this chemical. These are the major reasons people simply do not want to eat while on chemo and may lose weight (I'm down 7.5 pounds in one week).

The good news? Well, chemo therapy makes cancer cells more susceptible to radiation therapy. It may be very bad medicine, but it is best. Also, the nausea seems to erode during the week. I write this post on a Tuesday after a Thursday treatment, and I have only scant nausea. Lastly, I only have to do my chemo until the radiation therapy is done (seven weeks total). Some people have months-long therapy.

If you haven't done it yet, you might want to shave your head. Once the hair starts falling it makes a huge mess! I regretted waiting until it started. I had loose hair everywhere before J. took it all off for me.

Weak lemonade was a good friend to me during my treatments. Don't know if it will ease the taste for you or not as I didn't have that side effect, but it did help with nausea.

If you need anything, let us know.
Just stopping by with a quick hello. Hang in there, R. You've got love and support all around you.

J in MT
Hey R,
I'm sorry I had to leave before you got back to work. I think of you often and hope things are the best they can be under the circumstances.
Dear R,J,&S
You have no idea how much you have been in our thoughts and prayers. I admire your attitude and sense of humor. The pictures following surgery makes it hard to believe that R could look so great at the golf outing. S is so handsome and looks just like R. You and your families really deserve all the blessings that the upcoming holidays have to offer. Keep the spirit and the committment to each other. You are to be commended.
uncle w & aunt k
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