Thursday, October 19, 2006


Oh yeah! My last treatment was yesterday. I feel like a man released from indenture. The doctors have said I'll peak in about a week and slowly get better after that. I hope they are right. My head feels like it is stuffed with cement because of all the swelling. The photo attached to this post is meant to be a high water mark photo. This is how beat up I am going to look. We'll compare it to later photos and see what improvement is made.

J and I are taking S to the beach for a week. We need to get away, and California is right down the road. A week away from our routine won't hurt a thing.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

CONGRATULATIONS R! R finished his last radiation treatment today and last Thursday was the last chemo. He is feeling pretty beat up right now, but Dr. T and Dr. H say R should be feeling much like himself in 4-6 weeks. A special thanks to Dr. T and Dr. H (Center For Radiation Therapy)and all the staff --This office has been so wonderful to us the past couple months. Thanks again for all the support. R is planning to update the blog very soon. J

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