Thursday, October 19, 2006


Oh yeah! My last treatment was yesterday. I feel like a man released from indenture. The doctors have said I'll peak in about a week and slowly get better after that. I hope they are right. My head feels like it is stuffed with cement because of all the swelling. The photo attached to this post is meant to be a high water mark photo. This is how beat up I am going to look. We'll compare it to later photos and see what improvement is made.

J and I are taking S to the beach for a week. We need to get away, and California is right down the road. A week away from our routine won't hurt a thing.

Hey, Ryan! What a great photo! You look absolutely awesome! I surely hope you and your family have a marvelous time at the beach. You have been through hell and back, buddy, and you made it! Congratulations!

Are you going to do the Corona football thing like on the commercials? Watch out for sunburns!

Have a great time. You all deserve it.

Hey R & J! Just thought I'd let you know that you are the heroes of my sixth grade class. The theme of our sixth grade year is heroes and heroism, and they read books about heroic adventures. I told them that I know of a couple of heroes that outshine anybody in literature, and I showed them your pictures. They are in awe of you and refer to you often. Hopefully you are refreshed and renewed after spending time on the beach.


You seem to be keeping a very healthy attitude about this whole thing considering. Interstingly, I was accomplishing my wedding (finally) while you were going under the knife.

I can't wait to see you with the eye patch!
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