Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Boxing Day! (day after Christmas) -

It has been a month since I've updated this blog, so I thought it was high time. I'm off today but J has to work. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas. This year was no exception - little boy got lots of loot! All you parents know how cute it is to see a kiddo rip open presents, and S did not disappoint. He got presents from aunts uncles, grandparents, cousins, mom and dad and of course, Santa. Needless to say he slept very well last night.

My health? Fine. Many of the quirky side effects of radiation and chemo are subsiding. I can taste! My tastebuds are back! My hearing in my left ear is much better, too. I still am quite stuffy, but that is a result of surgery, not chemo or radiation. There is no telling how long this may last.

There is one setback which is a little odd - my salivary glands have virtually stopped working. This side effect of radiation took weeks to appear, as I was fine during and immediately after radiation. I guess the beam bombarded to glands to the point of failure. I sip water constantly, and take a pill called Salagen, which is supposed to stimulate what little function remains in my salivary glands. If it isn't one thing it's another.

I'm on break at school. Thank goodness! We return to class on Tuesday. I'm about halfway through class. Counting this class, I've got four to go to graduate. Then I'm done done done!

I'll sign off for now. Thanks to all for the cards, presents and love. S, J and I send our love.

Hey R,J & S
Great to hear from you and that things are going well with you. 2006 was really an "eye opener" for you (sorry for the pun Ry, but I know you enjoy sic humor also) and it sounds and looks like 2007 is going to be wonderful for you and your family. Being finished with school, back to work - everything is falling into place. Your all in my prayers and J said you were going to Columbus (I think in March??). Let me know and maybe I can make a trip up and we can visit "Murphs" and have a few beverages.

Lova ya
Your old neighber
I'm just a total stranger from a different country. i was reading through your blog and just wanted to let you know...you are an inspiration for many.Keep up the good spirit and strength.
All the best!!
Happy Holidays...
Happy "Day after Boxing Day!" Timeliness is not my forte this vacation. I've been off for a week already, and it's back to school on the 2nd. I could get used to this "lounge lizard" life.

I am so glad to hear that some of your side effects are dissipating. I knew they would! Your positive outlook will make all the difference. Keep up the good work, my friend.

Hey Ryan, this is James and it was good to see your continued improvement, guess what, Our new son's name is Jack Ryan! So your story motivates a lot of people, thanks
Army Medic
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