Monday, January 29, 2007


Hello everyone! It has been a very long month since I updated this blog. Sorry. I meant to get on here days ago, because I've had a pretty good month.

I started the month pretty low. I was getting headaches again and that had me worried. In fact, J and I took a trip to the ER because of my headache. The CT they took did not show anything to get excited about, so I left feeling a little relieved and more confused. Why was I getting headaches?

Several days later I had an MRI. Dr. N said everything looked okay. More relief, more confusion.

Days after this I had an appointment with my therapist. I'm not exactly sure what kind of doctor she is, but I always refer to her as my shrink. I was introduced to her when I was still in the hospital last July. Our session was going fine, and then I just lost it. It hit me from out of the blue. She (again) explained depression is a side effect of surgery. This coupled with the other stresses in my life really REALLY depressed me. She recommended I start taking Zoloft again, and I increase the dose. I did. I love Zoloft! It doesn't make me loopy, but it does make me 99% un-depressed.

Later this day I went to work. I was pretty down in the dumps when my boss gave me a little pep talk. He assured me that he and the company understood my situation and were still behind me (even though I have not been doing very well).

I have a PET scan scheduled. This is a cancer specific scan which uses radioactive sugar to "see" cancer. I've had one before my surgery, but this will be the first one after the fact. Let's hope it's clean!

Hey Buddy,
This is your army medic bud, that you enrolled over a year ago, I have faith you in you brother, and I know you will do well.
Hey, buddy. Those down days happen, even to those who haven't been through hell and back the way you have. Just hang in there, and know that the peaks and valleys level off over time, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. So take your Zoloft, hold your family close, and keep seeing that doctor. You are riding out the storm, my friend, and you are winning.

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