Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm (j) updating the blog today. R's leg is bothering him so much and he's so uncomfortable.
He saw Dr. L (family dr.) on Thurs. and he prescribed him Neurontin for the nerve pain/damage. This medication should eventually relieve some pain and discomfort. The dosage starts out low and he increases it every 3-4 days. So, currently he is taking 300mg and he can work his way up to 900-1000mg, but you have to increase by 100mg every 3-4 days. It will take awhile!
R had first outpatient PT (physical therapy)on Thurs.-went very well. It was an evaluation. He will start PT 3x week. It was nice to see his physical therapist (M) and Dr. K (physical medicine dr) at Healthsouth. He will have OT (occupational therapy) evaluation on Mon.
R has another PET scan on Wednesday. August 7 and 8 meet with radiation oncologist and medical oncologist to finalize radiation and chemo plan.
R was in so much pain this week with his foot that he had to take pain medication. R hasn't needed anything for pain since 3rd day after surgery!
R and I got out of the house on Friday, went to Borders and had coffee and purchased two books. Little outings like this are physically and mentally exhausting for him.
R is getting better day by day, it's just a sloooooooooooooooow process!
R looks forward to reading everyone's comments, so please keep them coming.
We all wanted to thank everyone for all the support and prayers.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


July 25, 2006

Hello everyone –

I wanted to quickly update the blog to keep everyone up to snuff. MY FOOT IS IN AGONY! The feeling of my foot being asleep is so bad it keeps me up at night. Today was (is) especially bad, so I took a hydrocodone. It helps, but I still feel extraordinary pain. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my family doctor. Maybe he can prescribe a drug for the asleep feeling. This is bad.

The photo here is me in the rehab facility. I wanted to include it because it is a great shot of my head scars, and eye flap in its natural state (that isn't a patch, folks. That pale circle is my flesh).

Friday, July 21, 2006


July 21, 2006

Hello All!

I am out of the hospital now, and back home in Scottsdale. I am updating this blog for the first time since before my surgery! It feels good to be home but I tell you, my experience has been so “institutional” it will definitely take me time to settle in.

Let me start by thanking each one of you who wrote back via this blog, sent a card, or called. The love and support J and I received during this ordeal has been miraculous. Thanks to all, from the very bottom of my heart.

I would like to start out by saying my surgeons, Drs. H, K and Z, are top notch sawbones. They truly know their stuff, and there is no question their skills saved my life. I have seen them all since he surgery. They all think I am doing fine, and could live as long as I normally would have before this.

I got my surgical staples removed yesterday, along with the stitches. This is great, because it was very unpleasant to roll around in bed with staples throughout my body. No position was comfortable.

I will tell you a little about the procedure now. Honestly, if you would have asked me what my recovery was going to be like after cancer surgery, I never would have guessed the ordeal I have gone through. Even the finest of hospitals is an institution, and nothing even close to comfortable.

I remember very little about the day and immediate days surrounding my surgery. What I do remember is finding out after surgery some of the unpleasant side effects of surgery. I was not at all prepared for the temperature of my recovery room. It seems it is standard procedure to keep a patient’s room over 90 degrees after vascular surgery. The heat keeps the blood flowing to the new tissue. Surprise! For four days after a major brain operation, I was in a room from 90-100 degrees.

The single most unpleasant side effect to this very moment is that my right foot is completely asleep. My head does not hurt, nor my neck nor my leg where they harvested my tissue. My foot, however, feels like an elephant stood on it for about a day, and it does not get better. This, according to my surgeons, is a normal side effect (again, news to me). What causes this is the nerve damage caused by harvesting tissue from my right leg. Sure, it will heal in time (months), but the severed nerves in the mean time make my foot feel asleep, and my toes are freezing!

After about seven days at the Mayo Clinic, I was shipped off to a third party rehabilitation facility in Scottsdale. I am not sure how they would define themselves but it seems to me their job is to take post surgery or major procedure patients and see to it they can return home. This facility is where I have been for the past week.
The patients here were old mostly, averaging about 75 years plus I’d say. I was the youngest patient I saw there at the age of 37. I was kind of a hit because of my age and the extent of my injuries. Many of the other patients were there for a broken hip or diabetes amputation or something but I was the only post-cancer patient I knew of. I truly started to feel very old (and a little crazy, too), just by virtue of the company I kept. There was one poor old lady who constantly and loudly cried “Lord, help me” the whole time she was there, which after a while was a little unsettling.

Now that I am home, the thing to do is to try to re-settle back into a routine. The injury to my leg will only get better with time, so there is no need for me to really truly do anything except wait. The thing which gets to me is how taxing it is to be up and around. I love to play with S so much, but within minutes, I am exhausted. As well, doing anything mentally draining is difficult. Updating this blog has taken several rounds of trial and error, with me lying down between paragraphs. I hope I can bounce back.

I will close for now, as I anticipate J coming home from the store with prescriptions and a beer, and the sun going down enough for m to enjoy our hot tub!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thursday, July 20 8:00pm

At the follow-up appointments today, R's surgeons were all pleased with his progress and he will be leaving the rehab hospital tomorrow morning. Yea! He is so anxious to be home! He will continue physical therapy three hours per week on outpatient basis for a while. The leg pain may persist for another month or so. Staples have been removed and stitches look great; he is a lot more comfortable.

The next update will be posted by R. He has missed his computer, and we're sure he'll have plenty to say tomorrow when he gets back in the saddle. Tomorrow will be 15 days since surgery. He's come a long way in short time, and we're all very proud of his steadfast determination.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday, July 19 7:00 pm

R had three therapy sessions today, but remains bored out of his mind for the other twenty hours of the day unless there are meals or naps or some company.
He said he worked on logic puzzles, walking with a cane, and had a light treatment for the pain in his leg. It is a pad of infrared light emitting diodes laid on the skin for a time. It stimulates blood flow and helps post operative healing and pain of neuropathy. Sounds good. We'll take anything and everything that helps.

Tomorrow will be busy all day. In addition to the three hours of therapy, R will be visiting all of his surgical doctors at Mayo for follow-up appointments. They may even remove staples. We'll know more tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday, July 18

Another great day in rehab for R. He walks without any assistance and worked on driving tests. The last word was that discharge will be no later than next Tuesday, or perhaps this Friday following the team meetings if they find that he's ready. He says he WILL be ready.

Dad and Mom went back to OH today, so for a few days the updates will be whatever we hear by phone, unless J decides to do them. Anyway, we'll keep everybody posted, so keep checking in on him.

Here's the last shot we got of Sp visiting daddy at rehab; they had a great pirate story going here.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Sunday, July 16

R is continuing with tasks and activities at rehab. We watched him work out mental puzzles and physical work in the gym. His balance is improving rapidly; we watched him stand on a rocker board (wobbly thing!) and stay balanced as he reached far to the left and right and also while catching a ball thrown from different directions.

Family was there in the evening and Sp played with some of the big foam blocks in the small gym again (he loves this place!). R's shower was a big hit...he was stripped and ready before the nurses were. At least all the moms and Ch were still in the gym with Sp at the time.

We know he is feeling better, because last night when he was tired and ready for bed he told us all that any time we wanted to leave that would be OK. It is his first night without J staying with him in the room since surgery day.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday July 16, 8am
For whatever reason, i was unable to post these pictures yesterday.
A game of Finger People...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday, July 15 7:30 pm

First full day at the rehab, but it’s a Saturday, so the schedule was not as full as weekdays. The doctor, the P.T. and O.T. people all did evaluations today and got acquainted with R. Balance is the main objective right now…getting used to judging things and compensating for one eye takes some time. His walking is good, and he’s willing to do bunches of it, but still a little unsteady. He spent most of today up in a chair when he wasn’t walking. Got to play with Sp again…and lots of family here too, in and out through the day. So R is lookin’ and soundin’ really good, up and dressed, walkin’ and talkin’ and everyone here couldn’t be more happy.

Friday, July 14, 11:00 pm

Moving Day for R! He had a very good day at Mayo…all the final reports from all surgical teams were a “Go.” This is day 7, and we saw a huge upswing. Today he was much stronger, more conversational, and more ready than ever to move on. Sp got to visit again and that perked everybody up. They played with a jeep and some other prizes Daddy “found in his bed” today, played the Finger Man game, and had butter rum life savers. Those giggles are excellent medicine.

Dennis stopped in from Rs work, and even helped with the move. (Thanks!) Ch was in and Jn came by…and R got another milkshake out of that deal.

The new address is: Healthsouth Rehab Hospital
9630 E. Shea
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 551-5300 Hospital
(480) 551-5303 R’s room 115

The doctor and therapist will evaluate and get R started tomorrow. He is really anxious for this, knowing the quicker he regains strength and balance, the sooner he will get to leave. He is craving home and work and all that stuff of normal life.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

S paid his first visit to Daddy today. He was a little shy for the first couple minutes and then warmed up; he brought a white bear for Daddy to cuddle, they shared Skittles, and made "aaargh" pirate sounds. He said he wants to come back again, and when he got home he told cousin B that his Daddy was just fine.

R has had another good day...good food, good walking, good healing. Doctors may release him tomorrow to go to re-hab for one or two weeks. Right now they are still watching some swelling, an air pocket pressing on his frontal lobe, but we expect to get cleared tomorrow.

A "fun box" arrived from brother J today. R shined the laser pen on his nurse right away, and she said she'd have to warn the others about this guy. Also got a whoopee cushion, so visitors be wary. R got visits from Michael at work today and family.
D and A, Ch, Jn, Dn, Mm, and the regulars J, mom and dad. Busy day.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July 12, 6:15pm
R remains about the same. Doctors can't explain the tremors, other than to say any time you have surgery of the frontal lobe, you often have temporary personality changes, slurred voice and an overall slowness responding to questions.... this is due mostly to swelling against the brain...and trapped air or fluid... this almost always happens and should go away on its own within a few weeks....

From time to time R comes up with off the wall responses ....when talking to his brother on the phone this afternoon, J mentioned he had his first Digital Exam as part of a routine doctors checkup..... after a pause, R told J "just make sure you keep the receipt". Good advice, im sure....smiles

To make certain there is nothing abnormal happening in the brain since surgery, a CT scan was ordered about 2 hours ago....everything looks normal.....only a pocket of air pushing adding pressure. again, in most cases this will go away on its own....if not, they would have to relieve the pressure thru surgery again.

Visitors Bill and Kevin from work came by today...thanks for the card, gift, and beautiful flowers from everybody on the team. Tom came by as well. R is glad to see you all.

Tomorrow J plans to bring S to see his daddy. Everyone feels this needs to take place soon for both S and R.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


July 11, 1:pm

R is out of ICU into a regular room (Mayo 5th floor... 5W room 8)

He is looking good. color good, no new pains, only the need to exercise his right leg. PT has him up and walking for second time today... Oh, hes sporting his own walking shorts.... no more sexy gown (sorry gals).
J is going home to bring him some walking shoes and a shirt too.

Den and Reb from Rs work dropped by, first visitors... thanks for coming guys.

R is watching a little sports on TV... his new room even has a DVD player, he asked J to bring a couple movies when she returns. No Chic Flicks for this guy......wants action stuff....smiles.

Monday, July 10, 2006

July 10, 5:pm

R is feeling somewhat breathing without nose do-dad, has eaten some jello and will go on a clear diet tonight.

The doctor said R will most likely be taken out of ICU tomorrow, depending on how the night goes.... hes still complaining about his leg and makes sure you know he expects you to rub his leg and foot, constantly. hes off all pain killers with the exception of Tylenol...hes also on two anti nausea med, which has helped even though somewhat groggy. Hopefully if he goes to a regular room, they wont have to keep it so warm......its been 85F to benefit the eye flap.

More later....Rs asking for his dad...smiles....

July 10, 12:30pm

Sino-Nasal Undifferentiated Carcenoman....the official name for Rs tumor, dont know if i ever posted that. A rapid growing, high grade form of Squamous Cell Carcenoma.

R had a busy evening. an EKG test... revealing a slow irregular heart beat, with missing beats for 2-3 seconds.... echo cardiogram (like an ultra sound of the heart)and some Thyroid test. not sure what the Thyroid test is for.....

At 11:30am the team of Cardiology doctors said they dont really expect any problems, that this lower than usual heart rate will self correct.....but they have measures in place, in case R's heart rate drops even more.

Rs PT team got him out of bed.....and he walked around the hall...prob 100 feet total. thats good...

J spent the night at the hospital.....but has gone back home for a few hours.....she didnt get much sleep last night.

Mom is in with R atm......massaging his foot again.....R is taking a nap....i think PT zapped him.

the nurse told us....his eye flap has a strong pulse....and basically hes doing as expected, except for this low heart rate they cant explain.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 9, 2:pm

R looks much better today....he got the sleep he needed last night. PT had him up and walking a few steps today. He seems to be complaining more...thats a good sign :) we have all taken turns massaging his right foot....for whatever reason, it has bothered him since OR.

Js mom and dad dropped by along with S. they were going to a movie..but S decided he didnt want that after all.....S sure wants to see his dad.... but that will take a few more days.

R was allowed juice and milk...the only thing he really liked was a grape Popsicle.

thats about all for now....another good morning and afternoon.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

July 8, 9:30pm Hospital Address

Should anyone wish to send R a card. The address is:
Mayo Clinic Hospital
5777 East Mayo Boulevard
Phoenix, AZ 85054

July 8, 3:30pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY J! what a way to spend the day....but we do have reasons to celebrate.

More thoughts from yesterday, surgery day:

We had a liaison person between us and the operating room bringing reports about every two hours, which helped, though it was hardly much more than, “everything’s going well and he’s stable.” Any word at all was welcome.
It was a day of text messages, phone calls, and e-mail; all of it hopeful and anxious and loving. The staff here has been wonderfully accommodating
Ten hours of surgery, another 2-3 hours in recovery, and we were finally able to see him in the intensive care unit around 10:00pm. He was awake and talking, groggy but all there. We told him about all the success the doctors reported, but will probably need to tell him again tomorrow. Thank God. Thank everyone who has sent their prayers and wishes his way.
The tensest moment came about four hours before the scheduled conclusion of surgery, and yet we were summoned for a consult with the doctor. We had the first knot in the stomach of the day. But all was well. It was only the first of the doctors, who was finished with his part, with time in his schedule to meet with us. In fact it was the best kind of news. He felt extremely confident that the cancer was totally removed with” clear margins” in all affected areas. What are the words we put here…how can we tell you what that felt like? It will go down as one of the most memorable moments in our lives.

July 8, 12:45pm AZ time

Dad doing the update. R is fully awake talking freely. He is in lots of pain, not where one would think, not the head, eye or neck area... not even the upper thigh where they took veins, muscle and tissue, but the lower leg and foot of that leg... the nurse thinks the doctors twisted and pushed the leg to access just the right muscle/vein, that it just simply hurts like heck. The PT gal had him sitting up...and even standing for a few minutes. of course that adds to his pain, but for his own good....

J just said Rs heart rate has been up and down. the nurse is asking the docotor to check into that. The number one concern atm is to monitor the "skin flap" covering the eye, making sure blood is flowing to keep the tissue alive and healthy. The doctor i talked to said this might fail one or two times before it far blood is flowing fine.

mom and J are in icu with R... ill take my turn soon.

keep looking for updates on blog..... dad

Friday, July 07, 2006

hey all. r's been prepped for OR. mom and j are in with him atm...they only allow two ppl at a time. ill go soon. Mayo has guest broadband service...kinda neat.... my turn now.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

July 7, 2006

This is Dad... starting tomorrow i will attempt to keep r's blog updated. I'm not sure if i can access this blog with my laptop from the condo we will be living for the next week or more, but ill do my best, when i can. Tomorrow is the big day.... everyone cross their fingers.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


July 5, 2006

My folks arrived from Ohio today! I am so glad to see them, even though the occasion is less than festive. They were in town only two months ago for a family vacation to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, only to return today for my surgery. They will stay here for a couple of days, but my in-laws have arranged for them to stay in a timeshare for the duration of their visit (which is right down the street from the hospital).

I spoke with my boss today, likely for the last time before surgery. I wanted to finish up any loose ends from work if I was able. Thanks, D, for helping at work. My associate, R, has arranged a fund raiser at work to help out with things. Thanks R and everyone for being so thoughtful to my family and myself.

J has ordered some eye patches in anticipation of my needing them. Our friend, N, from Ohio is a very skilled seamstress, and will borrow the design to make some custom patches for me. Thanks, N! Hug T and J for us.

Friday is the big day. I am not exactly sure when I go under the knife, but I am not allowed to have anything after midnight on Thursday.

Another round of thanks is in order to all the friends and relatives throughout the country who have sent their love and prayers. It is getting close…

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